Thursday, January 13, 2011

Popularity of Yoga as Alternative for Medicine

One of the most profitable holistic health care systems in America is yoga. Yoga teacher training has gained a lot of importance these days. Many schools provide yoga classes. Yoga teacher training is also given by various institutions which provide yoga teaching certification. The roots of yoga are from India. Yoga can provide physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Popularity of yoga as an alternative medicine has been increasing these days.

Description of methods and practices used in place of or in addition with the conventional methods of treatment come under alternative medicine therapy. Yoga can be considered as an effective treatment for a wide range of medical issues. Practice of yoga is simple and many diseases can be cured with less pain. So there is an increase in popularity of yoga as an alternative medication therapy.

Yoga is very much cost-effective. Many people can afford for yoga classes because of its low cost. This might also be one of the reasons for yoga to be used for various treatments. Yoga helps in improving the health and cure the problem without any side effects. This is a positive point when compared with other conventional methods of treatment.

The aim of yoga is to provide total health. Limited cure is available through modern allopathic medicines for some congenital and acquired diseases. Yoga can be considered as a perfect method for solving such problems. Many other issues including hypertension, high blood cholesterol, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and other cardiac problems can be lessened by practice of yoga.

Yoga is also practiced in combination with some other methods of therapy including ayurvedic and acupressure treatments. Practice of postures, exercises and breathing exercises help in improving the health of individuals. So when yoga is practiced along with the continuation of some other methods of treatment, the disease can be cured in a short period of time.

Related Links:
Yoga teacher training

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