Saturday, April 2, 2011

Advantages of Mini Glow Sticks

A glow stick is a plastic tube containing chemical compounds, which upon combining, give a glow due to chemical reaction. Different colored glow sticks are available in market these days. They include blue, purple, pink, yellow, orange, white, red, and green. They are also found in different sizes ranging from 1.5” to 12”. The 1.5” glow sticks are considered as mini glow sticks that are being used for several purposes. They can be used for concerts, carnivals, pool parties, birthday parties, dances, and so on. Here are some benefits of mini glow sticks.
  • They are an excellent alternative source of illumination for smaller spaces. For example, you can use a mini glow stick for reading a book in your car.
  • With their small size, it is very easy to carry and use them. Even children can have fun with mini glow sticks.
  • Because of their small size, they can be clipped to even smaller items. You can attach mini glow sticks to a hat, short, or even small toys.
  • They also glow for longer times like the larger glow sticks.
  • Glow sticks by themselves are inexpensive. Mini glow sticks are much cheaper than the larger glow sticks. So you can purchase them in bulk to save your money.
Mini glow sticks can be used at your home in dark as an alternative source of lighting. They are also being used for fishing. A mini glow stick attached to a fishing rod can attract fish. You can also combine mini glow sticks to form different shapes and use them for decorative purposes. On the whole, mini glow sticks also bring fun like the larger ones.

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