Saturday, March 31, 2012

What Do You Understand by Vitamin Supplements?

Dietary supplements are the organic substances that contain certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and other substances like amino acids, botanical that are essential to the body to improve your diet and they can come as pills, capsules, powders and liquids for proper functioning . Here organic means they are not come from natural resources and they are prepared with the use of related chemical compounds.

Both minerals and vitamins are necessary for the body to perform a multitude of functions, important for metabolic processes and to build the body structure.

However, vitamins and minerals are unevenly distributed among different food sources. A balanced diet supplies all required vitamins and minerals to a healthy individual.

Vitamins and minerals are micro nutrients that serve a specific purpose and benefit the body in a unique way. For example, vitamin A supports vision and bone growth, whereas vitamin E strengthens the immune system and helps repair DNA. Vitamin and mineral deficiency can impair the body’s ability to heal and protect itself against infections.

However, now a days people are not producing, handling, storing, processing foods due to which there is a lack of vitamins, minerals and enzymes in our diets that nature intended for us to retain. So in order to save yourself from deficiency of vitamins, take vitamin supplements. Before going to take a vitamin supplement, ask your physician about any dietary supplements you are taking, don't take a bigger dose than prescribed, avoid if you have symptoms of side effects and choose the correct supplement.

Last but not the least, don't take any nutritional supplements which give most times best but may have side effects. As you know that excess of taking any goo thing can result in side effects. So take fresh fruits and vegetables that will mostly resolve your health problems.

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Now foods

Ill-effects of Taking Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins are essential for normal growth, metabolism, development and proper functioning of the body for people of all age groups. The two types of vitamins are

1)water soluble vitamins and
2)fat soluble vitamins.

Water soluble vitamins easily absorbed by the body and secreted through urine. The B group vitamins and vitamin C are the water soluble vitamins. The fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body for fewer days in the tissues and liver. They include vitamins A, D, E and K. All these vitamins play a role either directly or indirectly in their growth. Nowadays people are taking vitamin supplements available at the counter without knowing the real side effects that such steps lead to. These supplements can be in the form of pills or liquids. But our body requires nutritional vitamins but there are advantages as well as disadvantages while taking without the help of doctor.

There are side effect for taking overdoses of each and every vitamin supplements- whether you have taken in your diet or in the form of pills, liquids etc. Explaining every overdose of vitamins is not possible here but the side effects that giving are ranging from head to toe.

Some of the effects of overdose of some specific vitamins are:

Toxicity due to excess levels of taking fat-soluble vitamins that are stored for longer period which causes birth defects, damage to the brain, eye related problems such as blurred vision, cataract, loss of hair, nausea, menstrual irregularities, skin allergies, faint and dizziness, numbness in hands and feet, walking problems
Less fiber intake will give health related issues related to intestine regulating. Vitamins cannot replace fiber because it is derived from food.

Phytonutrient loss may occur due to excess intake and these are the substances in food which fight against cancer and cardiovascular disease and adverse drug Interactions and other diminished effectiveness problems can occur.

So eat balanced diet that gives all vitamins naturally and avoid taking supplements because sometimes it gives side effects and sometimes does not.

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Garden of life

Friday, March 30, 2012

Homemade Cloches for Your Garden

Cloches are the perfect solutions for protecting tender plants from extreme weather conditions. They are generally available in plastic and glass types. However, you can also create your own garden cloches at home. Different materials can be used to prepare a cloche at home.

It's very simple to have a cloche with plastic and wire. Different grades of plastic including standard, medium and heavy are available. However, you should use the one which can withstand the weather elements for a long time. They are also found in different widths from 2 feet to 12 feet. Choose the one based on your type of plants. First, hoops are made with wire of particular height and width. These are placed on the ground in a row and covered. Then, the plastic sheet is laid over the hoops. The ends are trapped under the soil by about three inches.

Cloches can also be made with simple items like soda bottles, milk jugs and so on. Try making cloche with your soda bottle that is generally set aside for disposal. Trim the bottom of the bottle carefully. You can use a tinted bottle to help keep some of the sun out in sunny areas. Remember to remove the label on the bottle to allow sunlight from all the directions of the bottle. Then, place it carefully over the small plant. If the weather is cold, you can keep the twist top. On warmer climates, you can remove it to allow the heat dissipation. It's great to use these soda bottle cloches for smaller plants like peppers and newly transplanted tomatoes. Many different ideas can be used for preparing cloches. For instance, they can be made from a mason jar, wine bottle, etc. Be creative and protect your plants making unique styled cloches that are elegant and functional as well.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How Online Adverting Boosts the Online Merchandize Performance?

Every business requires business promotion tools to increase their sales drastically. Online advertising is one such promotional tool, which is highly effective. It can easily create the awareness on product or services to generate new sales.

Now a days, online shopping is getting more demand due to its shopping benefits and hence, almost all the companies are existing in the online market. These companies are coming up with their own unique websites, which provide detailed information about the businesses.

Online advertising is essential tool for online merchandizing, whose main aim is to increase the sales in order to increase business revenue. Online promotions boost the website performance to increase the online buying decisions of visitors. Online advertising is cheaper and is target oriented promotional method. These creative online advertisements attract the visitors so that they make the product sales decisions in favor of the business.

Online advertisements are more effective than offline, offline advertisements like newspaper, television or radio broadcasting generally promote the business for the specific areas only, but online advertisement promotes across wider areas at cheaper costs. Online advertising like cost per click, banner ad, text ad, email ad, etc., consume less promotional expenditure.

It really boosts the online merchandising by providing quick upgraded information about the products, this information is important for an individual while taking the buying decision.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Stay Calm and Relaxed on Your Wedding Day

Wedding would definitely be a fun experience for everyone. Every bride and groom will become the center of attraction. It is a place where people who are well known to you, friends and family members share their day with you. Every couple want to look and feel their best on their wedding. Thousands of people attend the ceremony, so make sure you stay positive and relaxed.

To ensure that everything gets done well, make a copy of list of things required for wedding, delegate tasks and important details such as delivering rings, cake, flowers etc., must be noted. You may not get time to visit a spa on your wedding day, you can go few days in advance for a relaxing massage, manicure, pedicure or all that helps you stay fresh on the day.

Keep in mind that things doesn't happen as expected. There are hundred bits of work need to be done for the wedding. Important things are the flowers, dress and cake. If the car is not on time or delegates don't deliver the flowers on time, don't worry you must just relax and think that you cannot control everything. Create a detailed plan and go through everything on what needs to be done on the wedding day.