Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Know the Essential Vitamin Supplements for Women

Nutrient rich diet has a very significant role in maintaining the health of women. All essential components including vitamins, minerals and other compounds have to be included in the diet daily. However, if the regular diet does not satisfy required amounts of vitamins, then it is necessary to take vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements are considered to be in use for women of all ages.

It is very much recommended to take vitamin A supplements by the pregnant women as vitamin A is essential for the formation of heart and other organs in the fetus. Folic acid supplements also play a major role in pregnant women and are considered to prevent the risk of neural tube defects. Not only folic acid, various types of vitamin B aid in maintaining the growth and development of fetus. Therefore, it is better to take vitamin B complex supplements during pregnancy. Multivitamin supplements are also necessary for women who are in child bearing age.

The need to take vitamin supplements for women increases with age in general. While some women prefer to take single vitamin supplements, some others prefer multivitamin supplements. However, this also depends on the physiological status of their body. Women who are above 50 years of age, generally face problems with bone health. It is, however, necessary to take vitamin D supplements that ensure proper calcium absorption. Supplements of vitamin D for menopause help in preventing osteoporosis. Certain menopause symptoms can also be reduced by vitamin K supplements. Reduction in cancer, tissue damage and skin damage are ensured by vitamin C supplements in women. It is better to make a note of the specific benefits of these vitamins and include them in the diet.

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