Friday, March 28, 2008

Tips for Employers That Allow Drinking Alcohol at Company Events

More events of business help alcohol, however, with the alcohol provided by the job. According to a SHRM study, because of the constructive economical mood nationally, much employers are holding agency parties and much of them are serving alcohol. Whether your case is a party milestone or birthday, an employee's retirement company, or a vacation case, take these tips to intend an alcohol secure case.
  • Talk about your company culture with employees emphasizing that drinking to excess is unacceptable during company events. Include alcohol usage guidance in your company code of conduct. In my book, it is never okay to drink alcohol during a job interview. Drinking at lunch should be discouraged. And, I would drink with a client, only if the client was drinking, and my limit in a client or customer meeting is one glass of wine.
  • Always serve food, such as appetizers, from the start of the party so employees are not drinking on an empty stomach.
  • Offer a variety of interesting, non-alcoholic beverages, to remove the emphasis from alcohol.
  • Never make drinking, or eating, for that matter, the main focus of any event. Always make entertainment, speeches, presentations, company logo items to purchase with points earned, and activities for employees to participate in the main focus of company events.
  • Consider serving just beer and wine, no liquor. Avoid serving drinks such as punch that make employees unable to gauge how much alcohol they are drinking.
  • Limit the number of drinks the company provides by using drink tickets or another informal method of tracking the amount of alcohol served.
  • Limit the number of hours that the bar is open. Close the bar during dinner and at a reasonable time to signal the drawing to a close and ending of the event.
  • Make sure your bartenders are clear that they are not to serve alcohol to any person who appears to be inebriated.
  • Recruit your managers and event planning committee members, in advance; to keep their eyes open for employees who may be overindulging. Offer the employee a ride home, call a cab, or make certain that a designated non-drinking driver takes the wheel.
  • Take a look at your company insurances to determine whether you have the appropriate coverage.
  • You may also want to consider asking employees to review and sign a document that provides company alcoholic beverage guidelines and that informs employees they are liable for their behavior at company sponsored events.
Alcohol can be a festive addition to a company event, but employee guidelines, company culture and customs, appropriate planning, and observation at the event will ensure that employees live to work another day. At company events, as in your workplace, employee safety is your paramount concern.

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